Archive | July, 2014

10 Lessons Filmmakers Learn Shooting On Film

29 Jul

Great article on the value of shooting on film!

Reel Deal Film School


 “Why every Filmmaker should shoot a project on film at least once… while stocks last!

Film vs. Digital… the old debate (argument) continues, but today we’re putting all that aside to discuss something more constructive than pixels and noise vs. emulsion and grain.

I want to share with you 10 Lessons Every Filmmaker Learns When Shooting On Film… and therefore why every Filmmaker should shoot a project on film at least once… while stocks last! (excuse the pun)

"Good ol' Arri" “Good ol’ Arri”

You Learn…

  1. It’s Not That Hard
  2. It’s Not That Expensive
  3. Discipline
  4. Efficiency
  5. Patience
  6. To Trust
  7. Film Is Flattering
  8. Film Has That Filmic Look
  9. Film Separates You From The Crowd
  10. Film Is Fun

The first thing anyone who’s worked with film will tell you, is that “it’s a totally different experience”. Some of that is bravado (this industry is full of posers and you should aspire to not

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